Friday, May 28, 2010

One-year anniversary of #fridayflash

From little things, big things grow, said Paul Kelly and no, he wasn't actually describing #fridayflash - but he could have been! The Friday flash fiction movement, kicked off by Jon Strother has celebrated its first year and Jon's present back to us all was to list all participating authors' debut story. You can read them all here, including my story 'Snowgate'.

No new flash from me this week, real life keeps getting in the way of writing at the moment...

Monday, May 3, 2010

#fridayflash: Across the Ocean

For this week's #fridayflash, I most happily direct you to Laurita Miller's blog for my Seaside Flash contest-winning entry, 'Across the Ocean'. She and I are separated by many oceans - actually I think we couldn't live further apart! She lives in Newfoundland and I live in Australia. The water that separates also inspires us.

While you're there, why don't you check out her flash fiction and poetry?